100th Day & Amelia

24 02 2013

Some pictures to catch you up on two fun things Kajsa did this week:

First, at school this past week, the Kindergarten classes celebrated the 100th day of school.

family project

(This might be a school-wide celebration, I’m not sure.) The kids were each asked to create a project somehow representing the number 100. Kajsa, Jim and I thought up lots of ideas, and finally settled on a photo project–I sent a photo to be made into a poster. A photo of Kajsa’s class, on Beach Day, that I had taken. And, obviously, we cut it up into 100 pieces and glued it onto poster board. Fun.

100th Day of School poster

Second, while I was in York yesterday, Jim and Kajsa got to meet Amelia Bedelia. Sort of.. The Harleysville Book Store hosted an Amelia Bedelia birthday party.  Kajsa LOVES the Amelia Bedelia books, as do I.

Herman Parish with Kajsa

I loved them as a kid, and had no idea, until this past summer, that there is a current series of the books, featuring Amelia Bedelia as a kid. Peggy Parish, the original author of the books, died in 1988. But her nephew Herman Parish took over the writing, and attended the book store event yesterday. So Kajsa got to meet him, get a book signed by him, and get a photo with a girl dressed up as Amelia Bedelia.

Kajsa and "Amelia Bedelia"